It’s Not You, it’s Me

Written by Felicia Tate


An illustration of a woman pulling her hair out

Feelings are a funny thing! We laugh, cry, scream, become anxious, and even worry. And if left unchecked, our feelings have the potential to cause unnecessary consequences in our lives.

Today, let’s talk about irritation! Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t control what others do, but you can control how you respond”? According to, irritation is defined as feeling annoyed, impatient or even angry.

Recently, I was having a discussion with a friend. And if you know me, I seriously do not like people talking negatively about others. I don’t care if it’s true or not. I am that person that always believes people can change, just as I have, and that there is good in everybody. We are all just on different “wake up call” schedules, LOL! And I am a firm believer in the power of our words.

So, my friend started talking about another friend of ours. And before I knew it, I had raised my voice and just got all out of character. In that moment, I couldn’t see my “real” irritation. Yes, I was upset that she was speaking negatively about another friend’s personal struggles and past negative behavior. And yes, I was irritated that I had to remind her again to stop speaking negatively. But what happened later that evening shocked me.

As I was getting ready for bed, God revealed something to me about me. He showed me that the root of my irritation was that I was remembering a time in my life when I felt as if I was being judged for my choices that others didn’t understand, and I felt alone. And it was painful. And that was something that I held close to my heart. So I have a special place in my heart for people that I see or believe are trying to do better in their lives.

We are all human, and sometimes we will get it right the first time. But there are other times we may struggle as we learn to depend on and trust in God more. It’s a process. My heart’s desire is to pray for them and encourage everybody, because I know what it feels like to only see and feel darkness around you. I know what it feels like to be different and not fit the status quo. I know what it feels like to see your family go in one direction, but feel as if God is leading you in a different one.

Now, do you see how this writing turned into what I was dealing with? That’s my point! It’s always deeper than us just being irritated with the person in front of us. The key is to ask God and be open to Him telling you why you are really irritated. There may be something in another person’s actions that triggers something from childhood: an ex, your spouse, or even a teacher or a relative. Once God shows you what’s in your heart, allow Him to heal it.

The key is not to suppress how you feel, but get better at responding to situations that trigger that once painful spot in your heart. There are nine Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Peace, Faithfulness, Joy, Goodness, Gentleness, Patience, Self-Control, and Kindness (Galatians 5:22-23). Allow God to grow His fruits within your spirit so that instead of responding with how you feel, we will respond with the fruits of the spirit, which shows maturity.

Feelings are great. They are necessary, and part of being human. But they should never rule our spirit. We should be led and guided by His Spirit within us.

Article by Felicia A Tate, AKA Light of the Lioness