How To Give Back During the Holidays

Written by Rebecca Kochanek


A person holds out a glittery red ball Christmas ornament

The holidays are often a time of reflection and gratitude. As we reflect on our year and feel thankful for the people and resources that made our lives easier, it is important to think of how we can return that love to those who may not be so fortunate. Even if your year wasn’t so great, giving back can provide a sense of warmth and purpose from the knowledge you made someone’s holiday a little bit merrier. Here are some creative ways to give back during the holidays.

Chocolate bark with almonds, tied up with a red and white string

Donate to a Foodbank

We often take the blessings of abundance and indulgence of food for granted during the holidays. However, hunger in America is a fight that is not over yet. Giving your time and resources to a food bank is a great way to give back during the holidays. If you want to make sure that someone’s holiday isn’t full of the worry of where their next meal will come from, look into donating to your local food bank! Feeding America is an excellent resource to help you find a local food bank, as well as volunteer opportunities to give back this season. It can give you direct access to a nationwide network of food banks that feeds families through food pantries and meal programs.

A large ladle full of noodle soup

Fill a Stocking…or a Shoebox

Another way to impact those in need is to donate new or lightly used toys. Clean out your kids’ toy box for toys they don’t use anymore. There is a kid out there that would love to have some toys this holiday season. Here are a few ways to make sure their holidays are bright:

  • Donate toys to resell charities (like Goodwill or the Salvation Army)
  • Donate toys to local homeless shelters
  • Donate toys to local preschools and nurseries
  • Donate toys and clothes to local church drives
  • Donate toys to Toys for Tots
  • Check out Operation Christmas Child and fill a shoebox with toys, clothes, and everyday necessities

Spend Time with Others

Are you looking to give time as a way to give back during the holidays? Do you want to make memories with your loved ones at the same time? One great way to give back during the holiday season is to visit patients in nursing homes or ill patients in hospitals. They will appreciate being remembered and appreciated. Take them treats, decorations, or even a Christmas card.

Wondering how to get involved? Locate a local nursing home or hospital and call ahead to schedule a visit. Make sure you ask about food rules if you are planning on bringing treats! Another great idea is to take your family or a group of friends to a local animal shelter and donate a few hours to cleaning up and playing with the shelter animals!

A small puppy sits on a blanket in a cage

Be Ready to Give Randomly

Giving back doesn’t have to take a lot of effort. Random acts of kindness are an easy and fun way to give back during the holidays. Here are a few random acts of kindness ideas to make a stranger happy:

  • Stock up on small sum gift cards (5-10 dollars) to give them out to people you see often. Whether it’s a complete stranger who looks like they’re having a rough day or your favorite barista who always spells your name right, having easy-to-hand-out gifts on hand can really make someone’s day.
  • Make care packs for the homeless. Fill small bags with toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, protein bars, and other daily necessities. Keep them in the car so you can be ready to hand them out. You can also drop them off at local shelters in your area.
  • This one’s super easy: Pay for the person behind you in line at the drive-through. They will never see you again, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you did something kind for someone else.
  • In a similar vein: pay for a coffee for the person behind you in line at a cafĂ©! It’s a fun way to get to know a stranger, or simply to make someone smile.
  • The next time you tip your waiter, increase your tipping (make it 50-100%) and leave your waiter a note to have a happy holiday season!

How to Give Back to Safe Harbor

If you enjoy our articles and resources here at Safe Harbor International Ministries, consider giving back to us during the holidays to help support our future efforts! Here are some ways to support SHIM:


Whether you donate monetary support or choose to donate your resources or time instead, Safe Harbor would greatly appreciate your efforts in making a difference in the lives of families and individuals affected by our ministries. Your donations will go towards our efforts of making Harbor House a reality, supporting mentorships, training programs, and supporting volunteer efforts and internships.

Amazon Smiles

AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charity. Safe Harbor is now affiliated with AmazonSmile! All you have to do is shop with and choose Safe Harbor International Ministries as your charity. Your donation will be made at no extra cost to you!

Shop for Handmade Items

Looking for a unique Christmas Gift? Check out our shop full of amazing handmade items at From Mama’s Garden. The proceeds will help to give back to communities that are in need of counseling, social services, and supportive services. All handmade items are made by volunteers and family members who donate their time and skills to benefit our communities.


Are you considering giving back to Safe Harbor for an extended period of time? We have plenty of opportunities available. Whether you’re interested in fundraising, support groups, education, training, writing, crafts, or quilt making, Safe Harbor could use your help! Look on our volunteer page for applications for a variety of opportunities!

If you’re looking for an opportunity to do some good this holiday season, this is your reminder that it may be easier than you think. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness or a full-blown volunteership, you’ll find that the heart of this season truly is in the joy of loving others. No matter how you choose to give back, Safe Harbor would like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

The hands of several people painted to form a heart

Written by Brooke Smoke, a blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. Edited by Rebecca Kochanek, an Office Admin intern.

Related articles:,,


  2. Toys for Tots
  3. Operation Christmas Child

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