Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas

Written by Rebecca Kochanek


Exploding New Year's fireworks

As we enter a new decade, the pressure to start coming up with some New Year’s resolutions is starting to build. Here are some of our best New Year’s resolution ideas. This should help you in deciding the best ways to make a resolution – and keep it.


Exercising more is one of the most common resolutions people make. It’s also one of the most common ones that people drop. Here are some practical ways to help you keep on your resolution and keep your sanity.

  • Take a look at your schedule – if you’re trying to fit in a little extra exercise, a great way to make sure that you stick with it is making sure it makes sense with your routine. You may only time for a 15-minute yoga session or, if you have time, an hour-long gym session. What matters is that you’re staying active.
  • Keep it simple. Avoid burnout by not committing to too much too fast.
  • Set goals that make sense for you. If you’re not sure where to start, speak with your doctor or a trainer to come up with some realistic goals.
  • Use things that help motivate you. Go to a class with a friend or create a playlist that gets you in the groove. What helps keep you accountable is being excited to reach your goals!

A woman in bright orange pants exercises by doing crunches


Changing your diet is another common resolution. Remember that when you make big health changes, you should always make sure that you’re doing what’s best for your body and mind. Here are some ways to make your resolutions realistic, healthy, and attainable.

  • Make sure your diet changes are right for you. There are many “fad diets” that are poorly researched and not backed up by science. Always speak to your doctor about your questions or concerns when it comes to what foods your body needs.
  • Have realistic expectations. An “all or nothing” attitude causes many people to slip back into old bad habits. Remember that one hamburger doesn’t mean you have to wait until next week to start over. Health is about daily choices in the present – and cutting yourself a little slack for the ones in the past.
  • Choose a diet that motivates you! Just like when you start a new exercise routine, starting a new diet might take a little motivation. Choose foods that are colorful and exciting. Experiment with recipes and have fun in the kitchen! No one said healthy eating had to be boring.

An assortment of toast with different toppings like radishes, tomatoes, and citrus

Get Organized

The new year is the perfect time to get organized and feel put together by being productive and having a set routine. Here are some ways to help you achieve your New Year’s resolution of getting and staying organized.

  • Make lists, schedules, and deadlines. One of the easiest ways to stay on track is to write it all down! Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto some paper can really help you realize your goals.
  • Don’t procrastinate. Although this seems obvious, you would be surprised at how many people don’t realize that waiting until the last minute elevates stress.
  • Declutter as often as possible. You can purge clothes, your children’s toys, and just about anything else. If you haven’t used it in the last six months, donate it or toss it out. Keep only what you use!

Get a Hobby

Starting and keeping up with a new hobby can be difficult. Whether you’re trying to hone a new skill or simply want to try something new, here are a few tips to stick with it!

  • Try starting it with a friend. Having someone to share your new hobby with can make it much more fun. If you can’t find someone to join you, find a local class or group. This is also a fantastic way to make new friends.
  • Stick with it…but don’t force yourself. Hobbies and new skills are supposed to enhance your life. If it is only frustrating, remember that you’re allowed to drop it and try something else. Make sure you’re doing it because you like to do it – not because you feel like you have to be the best at it.
  • Stay patient with it. Though not all hobbies are for everyone, sometimes all you need is a little extra patience and practice to push through and really start enjoying your new hobby.

Save More Money / Spend Less Money

Once the holidays are over, you can find your bank account looking a little emptier than you remembered. This may urge you to start saving more than you spend. If your New Year’s resolution is money-focused, here are some ways to help maintain healthier spending habits throughout the year.

  • Make plans to purchase purposefully. If you’re struggling with saving, make sure you have a list prepared. Getting in and get out of the store will help to make sure you don’t waste time wandering around the aisles and making unnecessary purchases.
  • Remember that sales can still be splurges. Just because it’s a bargain doesn’t mean you aren’t wasting money. Beware of clearance racks and bargain bins!
  • Check around for the best deal ahead of time. Taking a peek at online stores can be a great way to shop prepared.

No matter what your resolution is, remember that staying positive is the best way to stick with it. All changes are gradual and imperfect. Remember to allow room for error, and to take care of your mental health along the way.

Written by Brooke Smoke, a blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries.

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