Many people recently have found themselves in the position of being unemployed during COVID-19. More than 10 million Americans applied for unemployment back in March. While unemployment is common right now, that doesn’t mean that it makes your situation any easier. You may feel as though you don’t know where to turn to find a new job or to seek unemployment. Your situation might feel bleak, but here are some tips for what to do if you’ve found yourself unemployed during COVID-19.
Put Your Situation Into Perspective
It’s easy to be hard on yourself right now if you’re unemployed. You might be feeling a variety of negative emotions, and that is completely okay, and expected. But don’t forget to put your situation into perspective. We are all experiencing this pandemic, and it’s tough to know what to do. Most people haven’t lived through a pandemic before, and so not being sure what to do next is expected. This situation is difficult, but the pandemic is not permanent, and neither is your unemployment. There are lots of things you can do to get back on your feet. For more information about keeping things in perspective with this pandemic, check out this Safe Harbor article.
Find Resources during COVID-19
If you’re having trouble paying for things such as groceries, or you’re worried about not having health insurance, there are places you can turn. This website provides crucial information about unemployment insurance relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, and you can apply for unemployment using this website. Be sure to look into local food banks and shelters if you need food or housing assistance.
Get Ready to Apply For Jobs
If you had been at your previous job for some time, it might have been a while since you updated your resume or LinkedIn page, brushed up on our communication skills, or prepared for an interview. To get ready to apply to jobs, you might want to brush up on your communication and interview skills, as well as update your resume and LinkedIn before you start applying. This Safe Harbor International Ministries article can help you brush up on your communication skills. This website has some great tips for how to update your resume, and make it current, and this page has some great ideas for updating your LinkedIn page. Here are some tips for preparing for an interview, and here are some tips for preparing for a zoom interview. Be sure to reach out to any connections you have and talk with them about possible employment opportunities.
Applying For Jobs During COVID-19
Your next step is to try to find available work. If you’re stumped on where to apply for jobs, sites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, GlassDoor, and CareerBuilder may be helpful, as well as google searches for the kinds of jobs you want. Be sure to follow up with any connections you may have about jobs, and keep in mind that you may have to be flexible about the jobs you choose to apply to. You may not be able to get your dream job right now, and that’s okay! Keep in mind that this next job does not have to be permanent and that this job, like this situation, is only temporary.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
Losing your job during COVID-19 can be devastating. But remember that there are resources out there to help you! These resources can not only find you a job but can help you make ends meet during these tough times. Remember that asking for and receiving help right now is not something to be ashamed of. We are all in a tough situation right now, but we will make it through if we are there for each other to be of assistance. Check out this Safe Harbor International Ministries article for more information about hardships during COVID-19.
Written by Jackie Ebel, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, check out our blog page at