The Love Project

About The Love Project
Safe Harbor provides handmade love quilts to victims of abuse, military families, soldiers, and children who are in the hospital. The Love Project quilt giveaway uses a creative force to bring about life changing restoration, healing, and power into their lives even through the most painful times. The quilts are made by hand with love and that love is transferred to the recipients. We have given away over 365 handmade love quilts.
What is The Love Project quilt giveaway?
Safe Harbor will highlight families, military families, victims of abuse, children who are facing a life changing terminal illness, soldiers who being deployed, and many more individuals in need. We give them a special ‘personalized’ gift from us that lets them know that they are loved, appreciated for all the work they do, and cherished by individuals around them.
Our goal is to give away over one million quilts and pillows! We need you to partner with us as to reach this goal!
Nominate a family or individual by completing the nomination form.
The Love Project Tracker
Track the reach and impact of The Love Project recipients.
Nominate someone today and help Safe Harbor spread The Love Project!
The Love Project Impact
Finnley Grace
Finnley Grace, age 4, who lives in Washington DC received one of our quilt and pillow sets as she is in dire need of a bone marrow transplant.
Lydia, age 10, was diagnosed with a cerebellar tumor that she named billy. Billy the tumor was removed on 7/16/19.
Nursing Home
A nursing home resident in a Clayton County Senior Center received one of our lap quilts.
Seniors at the Tommy Thompson Senior Center
Seniors at the Tommy Thompson Senior Center in Newnan Georgia makes quilts, blankets, hats, and much more for “The Love Project”
Jonesboro Georgia Senior Center
A nursing home resident in a Jonesboro Georgia Senior Center received one of our lap quilts. The resident could not believe that someone would think enough of her to give her something so nice. She really touched our team members hearts that day!
Lydia and Colin
Meet Lydia and her furry friend Colin after her surgery. She is still recovering from her surgery.

Get Involved!
We would love for individuals, civic groups, church groups, organizations, schools, non-profits, for-profits, etc. to help us complete this awesome project.
We need volunteers who can sew for a purpose and give back by donating a quilt that will be given away to bless a family.
Partner with Us: Please let us know if you are interested in getting involved with The Love Project, please email us at
Donate: You can always donate to help us in reach our goal by going to our donation page. We are a non-profit and your gifts can be tax deductible.
Thank you for your support today!