Safe Harbor Training Center offers a variety of workshops and training that will develop, equip, train, educate, bring awareness to communities, and restore families.  
The goal of Safe Harbor support group is to create a community of awareness around the issues of abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse.

From 2003 through 2016, at least 1,671 Georgia citizens lost their lives due to domestic violence.


Georgia was recently ranked 8th in the nation for its rate of men killing women.


15.5 million children witnessed domestic violence at least once in the past year.


Immigrants and refugees experience violence at the same rates as other communities.


If you would like for someone to speak to your church, civic group, business, or organization about domestic violence please phone us at 404-692-3245.


Georgia Domestic Violence Resource Center and Training Center

Safe Harbor International Ministries is a domestic violence and resource training center for counselors, law enforcement, social workers, church leaders, human service agencies, court officials, victim advocates, mental health professionals, caregivers, community partners, nonprofits, & educators. We provide family intervention services in Troup, Clayton, Fayette, Henry, Coweta, Spalding, Pike, Jefferson counties and other surrounding counties in Georgia as well as international communities.

If you are needing training click here. Click here if you are needing domestic violence resources. 

Coweta County GA

This month we celebrated many survivors of domestic violence and their children at the Purple Purse Initiative in Newnan GA. Safe Harbor was honored to be the guest speaker at this event. Click here to see some awesome pics from this event. 

We have given away quilts to over 300 families all around the United States. Recognizing families and special individuals each month is at the heart of what our family here at Safe Harbor loves to do. We love giving back to our communities and celebrating people!! It is time for you to nominate someone to receive a special “Love Quilt” from Safe Harbor. Click here to nominate someone today. 

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