“Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.” 1 Corinthians 11-12
It’s easy for the Bible to overpower your memory with all the stories of powerful men. However, there are stories of equally strong females. God created women with intention. Throughout the Bible, there are many women that showcase that intention.
Our feature week this week is to highlight successful women. This article will showcase some of the amazing females of Christianity. These important women in the Bible served crucial roles in furthering God’s word.

Photo by Phil Hearingon Unsplash
Misconceptions about women in the Bible
A misconception about the Bible, that steers many women away from Christianity, is that God does not value men and women equally. It is often assumed that God thinks more highly of men, since they are predominantly spoken about when referring to the important historical moments of Christianity. It’s more likely, though, that you don’t completely understand the teachings that the Bible says about women. Sometimes our lack of thorough understanding can lead us to jump to conclusions, without seeking further meaning.
Common misconceptions about women in the Bible are:
God places more value in men than women. Many Biblical accounts feature oppressed women. I think a common question in regards to this is that if God created the world, why did he create it as a place for discrimination and sexism? It’s important to think of the historical context when you’re reading the Bible. If you’re a believer, you believe that the accounts given are accurate and real. In the time period, it was true that society expect women to comply with existing gender roles. We know that to be true of more recent day history, as well. However, God still included women in his plan, and gave them amazing opportunities. He created them for a purpose, and used their qualities intentionally. In fact, they were crucial to the spread of his word.
Women are expected and only allowed to act a certain way. The Bible stressed that women shouldn’t be concerned with their physical appearance, but instead have “beauty of a gentle spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious,” (1 Peter 3:3-4). This can be misinterpreted to mean that women should only be “gentle,” and “soft,” and refrain from holding qualities that are “manly,” like assertiveness and confidence. A really great article from TVC Resources explains how this assumption is wrong, and what gentle really means in relation to faith.

Photo by Aaron Burdenon Unsplash
Important women in the Bible
God created men and women with equal value. Christianity wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for the great women of the Bible. Their stories tend to be lesser known than those of many Biblical men. That doesn’t mean their stories are less meaningful, though. Let’s highlight some of the Bible’s most important women.
Inspirational women:
- Ruth. Ruth faced many trials and tribulations throughout the Bible. Although her life was far from easy, she devoted herself to the Lord. In command of God, Ruth stuck loyally to her mother-in-law, to protect her as she has lost all of her family. Ruth followed Naomi and the Lord into a life that wasn’t guaranteed to be easy. She teaches us the importance of compassion.
- Mary Magdalene. Mary was a disciple of Jesus. Jesus healed her and she followed him for the rest of her life. She promoted his ministry with the resources she had, selflessly dedicating her life to him. She mourned with Jesus as his life ended, and Mary then was the first eye witness of Jesus’ resurrection.
- Deborah. Female leaders were rare in Biblical times. Deborah was a prophet and a judge. She tells the Israelites God’s word, without questioning how they will receive it. Deborah even held a military role. She proves that leadership is found in character, not gender.
- Hannah. Hannah longed for a son, and turned to God to grant her request. She promised to devote her son to the Lord is she were to have one. God did give Hannah a son, Samuel. He went on to save the Israelites from slavery by appointing King David.
- Priscilla. Priscilla was another important leader in the Bible. the Bible recognizes Priscilla for her hard work, not her offspring. The church Priscilla started thrived against the odds.
There are many differences between men and women. These differences are what makes them unique. God created both man and woman, and they each serve important roles in the story of Christianity. The women in the Bible teach us amazing lessons about the power of perseverance, dedication, loyalty, and hard work. We can look to them for inspiration to lead a meaningful life.
Check out Safe Harbor’s other August content to see more highlights of women, and their strength!
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, check out our blog page at https://safeharborim.com/articles/