When life as we know it gets flipped upside down, it is hard not to be consumed by worry. There is almost no place to go where bad news cannot find you. Television, radio, and social media make it impossible to escape the news cycles that seem to only get worse. Pages and pages of bad news have overwhelmed the internet. You’re lucky to see one article of good news after scrolling through mountains of COVID-19 related content.
Social distancing “hacks” that aim to cushion the mental blow of this pandemic have exploded on social media. They tell us to practice mindfulness, to set a routine, and to lift each other up remotely. While these are great ideas, they are hard to implement when the energy outside is so low. How are we supposed to be positive when the news we consume is anything but?
We decided at Safe Harbor International Ministries that the best way that we can help is to be a lighthouse. We want to be a source of positivity for our community in this time of need. This includes creating positive content that breaks up the 24-hour cycle of fearful news. As a team, we compiled several “good news” articles on one handy page for our readers to enjoy. We hope they provide you with hope and comfort in these trying times.
Keep scrolling for the good news you probably missed while worrying about COVID-19!
Texas Roadhouse CEO foregoes salary for 1 year to pay workers amid coronavirus- Fox Los Angeles
News outlets reported this week that the CEO of a popular restaurant chain has forfeited his salary to pay employees. Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor will give up his salary from March 18th, 202, to January 7th, 2021. That money will instead go to the “front of the line” workers that keep this business afloat. Since social distancing has limited people’s ability to sit down at a restaurant, this is good news for the service industry. To read more about this story by Michael Ruiz, click here.
“Sausage Dog Sprains Tail From Wagging So Much Because Everyone Is Home”- Unilad

Emma Smith, from Essex, England, shared this story via Twitter about her pooch, Rolo. She shared that “my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it.” Worry not, internet friends! Emma also reported that Rolo is being managed with pain medication, and his spirits remain high. Good news for Rolo, and good news for all of us readers! To read the full story by Cameron Frew, click here.
“Shopping Angels” Network Created by Student Helps Elderly Get Groceries During COVID-19 Crisis.” -WGN-TV
University of Nevada student Jayde Powell organized a network of “shopping angels,” A.K.A volunteers that provide free grocery pickup and deliveries to the sick and elderly. Inspired by her knowledge as a pre-med student, she first enlisted the help of her medical fraternity. From there, the volunteer offers have skyrocketed. Her kindness has “gone national,” and has reached other states like Connecticut, California, New York, and Arizona. She even set up a GoFundMe account to help cover groceries of those living in poverty. What good news this is for those in these communities that need help. Click here to read the full story by CNN Wire, and click here for more information about the Shopping Angels.
15-Year Old Girl Gives Away Hundreds of Free Sanitation Kits to Homeless People – Good News Network
15 year old Shaivi Shah contributes to the good news cycle by making sanitation kits for California’s homeless population. The kits include hand sanitizer, lotion, antibacterial soap, and face masks to help combat the spread of COVD-19. Shaivi and her fellow honor society students have given over 250 of these kits to homeless shelters so far. She has even started a GoFundMe account to help expand this initiative outside of Los Angeles. Click here to read the full story by McKinley Corbley.
Virtual Art to Alleviate COVID-19 Quarantine Stir-Craziness– The Register-Guard
Google Arts & Culture has teamed up with over 2,500 museums and galleries to provide virtual tours and online exhibits. This is good news for those in mandatory or self-quarantine who need more than binge-able Netflix shows to keep occupied. The company has partnered with some of the most famous museums around the world. Viewers can check out the Museum of Modern Art in New York as well as Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum. Smaller and local galleries are also participating like the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Viewers can enjoy the cultural impact of art from their own computers without compromising their health. To read the whole story by Mathew Dennis, click here.
There are countless places to find news coverage of COVID-19, and I encourage you to seek out these sources. It is important for us to know what we are facing, and how to protect ourselves. However, it is just as important to keep our mental health in mind. Our mindset can have a huge impact on our physical health. If we want to stay healthy physically, then we also need to take care of our minds. This includes consuming positive content that lifts our spirits and brings us joy. It means sharing the good news with each other so we can have hope for a better future.
As I said before, here at Safe Harbor, we want to be a lighthouse for those lost in the dark. This is our beacon.
Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Safe Harbor International Ministries is teaming up with local agencies in Atlanta to make face mask covers for first responders and medical staff. It has been very hard for front-liners who are forced to wear the same face mask days at a time, or even weeks. By making face mask covers, this will help with maintaining the longevity of the masks they are using. To help us with this mission, you can donate materials by calling us at 404-692-3245, or donate online for us to purchase supplies.
Written by Bethany Fischer, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, please visit our blog page at https://www.safeharborim.com/articles/