by Grace Haass | Aug 27, 2020 | Family Life, Family Living, Featured Post, Healthy Lifestyles, Mental health, Words of Encouragement
The new school year is quickly approaching, and yours might have already arrived! This fall though, school looks a little different. The coronavirus pandemic has altered the way our society has to operate, including our academic institutions. Although some schools are still fully in-person, some have shifted to hybrid courses, or even completely virtual. Whether your classes are online or in-person, the pandemic presents new challenges that you’ll have to face this school year. Keep reading for some tips on navigating back to school during COVID.

Photo by Andy Falconeron Unsplash
Back to school: In person challenges
Many schools have made the decision to bring their students back to campus this fall. It won’t be just back to school as normal, though. Schools that are operating in person have systems in place to ensure the safety of students and staff, including:
- Masks. Teachers and students are required to wear masks for either the whole day, or at certain times. Yes, masks are necessary for COVID protection, but they do pose a struggle. They can often become uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time, especially in the autumn heat. This could potentially interfere with students’ focus. Additionally, students with certain disabilities might run into problems with mask-wearing. Masks pose an issue to students who rely on lip-reading to communicate.
- Social distancing. Many schools are implementing social distancing in classrooms. Classes are reducing the number of students to make sure they can physically distance desks and seats.
- Risk of exposure. Returning to campus heightens students’ risk of exposure. Protocols are only as effective as how rigidly people follow them.
- Testing. Students may be required to undergo testing measures periodically, such as every few days or every week.

Photo by Allieon Unsplash
Back to school: Virtual learning challenges
Institutions that have opted for all virtual learning face even more challenges. Virtual learning requires another level of responsibility than what many students and parents are used to.
- Organization. This is perhaps the biggest struggle with online school. Staying organized is crucial for success when your classes and assignments are not physically due in person.
- Focus. Many students have a hard time staying focused when their work is online. Being in your own home provides a lot more opportunities for distraction, such as using your phone. It can be easy to become unfocused when using a laptop, such as browsing websites or social media on another tab during a Zoom meeting.
- Motivation. It’s often hard to find motivation when you’re working from home, too. Some people need to leave the home in order to be productive.
- Mental health. Your home is generally a place that you want to feel relaxed and stress-free in. Having to turn it into a workspace can be tough on your mental health. It may start to feel like you never really stop working, because you never leave the place that you are working from. That can quickly start to feel draining and stressful.
- Communication/help with school. Not being able to ask your teacher for help in person is also a challenge. It’s not as easy to get clarification about an assignment, or test, and that can make it tougher to do well on them.

Photo by The CEO Kidon Unsplash
Tips for virtual school from home
- Schedule your days as if you had to go to class. Designate a time for every class, and stick to that schedule. If you can stick to a routine it’ll help you get everything done in a timely manner.
- Stay organized! I suggest getting a whole year calendar and writing in every due date and test date for the year. Get it down at the beginning so you can refer back to it easily. This will make it less likely that you miss assignments!
- Make sure to check all platforms. I have two school email addresses, and two online school platforms. Although this is inconvenient, it’s still up to you to stay updated on all of them. Sometimes I set reminders on my phone to check each email daily.
- Take time for breaks. Working from home likely means you are in the same spot for the whole day. You don’t have to get up to walk across campus when your class is on the computer! Not moving, and staring at a screen all day is energy draining. Make time for breaks and do something relaxing- get up and go for a quick walk, or move to a different spot and sit for a little while. Taking breaks actually is a good way to be more productive! Recharge during a quick break, and you’re likely to be more focused when you return to work.
- Mental health checks. Like I mentioned earlier, having one setting for school and work can be tough on your mental health. My suggestion for this is to set a time every evening that you stop doing school work, and dedicate that time to self-care. Wind down, enjoy your dinner, read a book, start journaling, or watch a show. You have to set boundaries for yourself when your work is your home- or else you might start to feel like work is your whole life.
- Blue light glasses are a great way to protect your eyes from the light that our screens emit. The blue light from your computer or phone screen has the potential to damage your eyes, and affect your sleeping patterns. It’s inevitable that you’ll be staring at your screen a lot, so ordering a pair might be a good idea.
Given the coronavirus pandemic, your new school year is bound to have some changes. Whether these changes are big or small, it’s important to stay responsible, updated, and aware of all that you should expect for school during COVID.
Although you might experience more struggles than you are used to with school, it’s possible to have a successful year! Everyone is going through the same thing for the first time, so having grace and patience is necessary during these times. Good luck with your year!
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, check out our blog page at
by Grace Haass | Aug 20, 2020 | Empowerment, Featured Post, Prophetic Words, Stories of Hope, Words of Encouragement
“Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.” 1 Corinthians 11-12
It’s easy for the Bible to overpower your memory with all the stories of powerful men. However, there are stories of equally strong females. God created women with intention. Throughout the Bible, there are many women that showcase that intention.
Our feature week this week is to highlight successful women. This article will showcase some of the amazing females of Christianity. These important women in the Bible served crucial roles in furthering God’s word.

Photo by Phil Hearingon Unsplash
Misconceptions about women in the Bible
A misconception about the Bible, that steers many women away from Christianity, is that God does not value men and women equally. It is often assumed that God thinks more highly of men, since they are predominantly spoken about when referring to the important historical moments of Christianity. It’s more likely, though, that you don’t completely understand the teachings that the Bible says about women. Sometimes our lack of thorough understanding can lead us to jump to conclusions, without seeking further meaning.
Common misconceptions about women in the Bible are:
God places more value in men than women. Many Biblical accounts feature oppressed women. I think a common question in regards to this is that if God created the world, why did he create it as a place for discrimination and sexism? It’s important to think of the historical context when you’re reading the Bible. If you’re a believer, you believe that the accounts given are accurate and real. In the time period, it was true that society expect women to comply with existing gender roles. We know that to be true of more recent day history, as well. However, God still included women in his plan, and gave them amazing opportunities. He created them for a purpose, and used their qualities intentionally. In fact, they were crucial to the spread of his word.
Women are expected and only allowed to act a certain way. The Bible stressed that women shouldn’t be concerned with their physical appearance, but instead have “beauty of a gentle spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious,” (1 Peter 3:3-4). This can be misinterpreted to mean that women should only be “gentle,” and “soft,” and refrain from holding qualities that are “manly,” like assertiveness and confidence. A really great article from TVC Resources explains how this assumption is wrong, and what gentle really means in relation to faith.

Photo by Aaron Burdenon Unsplash
Important women in the Bible
God created men and women with equal value. Christianity wouldn’t be what it is today if it weren’t for the great women of the Bible. Their stories tend to be lesser known than those of many Biblical men. That doesn’t mean their stories are less meaningful, though. Let’s highlight some of the Bible’s most important women.
Inspirational women:
- Ruth. Ruth faced many trials and tribulations throughout the Bible. Although her life was far from easy, she devoted herself to the Lord. In command of God, Ruth stuck loyally to her mother-in-law, to protect her as she has lost all of her family. Ruth followed Naomi and the Lord into a life that wasn’t guaranteed to be easy. She teaches us the importance of compassion.
- Mary Magdalene. Mary was a disciple of Jesus. Jesus healed her and she followed him for the rest of her life. She promoted his ministry with the resources she had, selflessly dedicating her life to him. She mourned with Jesus as his life ended, and Mary then was the first eye witness of Jesus’ resurrection.
- Deborah. Female leaders were rare in Biblical times. Deborah was a prophet and a judge. She tells the Israelites God’s word, without questioning how they will receive it. Deborah even held a military role. She proves that leadership is found in character, not gender.
- Hannah. Hannah longed for a son, and turned to God to grant her request. She promised to devote her son to the Lord is she were to have one. God did give Hannah a son, Samuel. He went on to save the Israelites from slavery by appointing King David.
- Priscilla. Priscilla was another important leader in the Bible. the Bible recognizes Priscilla for her hard work, not her offspring. The church Priscilla started thrived against the odds.
There are many differences between men and women. These differences are what makes them unique. God created both man and woman, and they each serve important roles in the story of Christianity. The women in the Bible teach us amazing lessons about the power of perseverance, dedication, loyalty, and hard work. We can look to them for inspiration to lead a meaningful life.
Check out Safe Harbor’s other August content to see more highlights of women, and their strength!
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, check out our blog page at
by Grace Haass | Aug 15, 2020 | Empowerment, Healthy Lifestyles, Mental health, Staying Healthy, Wellness
If you identify as a woman, odds are you’ve experienced some degree of sexism in your lifetime. When we think about sexism, we most commonly think of blatant actions or remarks that are prejudiced towards women. However, there are many less obvious forms of sexism that are ingrained in our society. In order to stand up for yourself and others, you must be able to recognize and call out sexist behavior.
Everyday sexism
Sexism towards women is fairly common, even in our current day and age. You might have even gotten so used to some of the actions that you don’t even register them as sexism. In our society, it seems as if undermining women is almost “normal.” It’s not! In order to make any sort of change, you have to be educated about how to respond to everyday sexism, including:
Street harassment: Being cat-called on the street is a form of sexism. Men feel that they have the right to give unsolicited comments on a stranger’s body, just because she is a woman. This isn’t right, and should not be tolerated. It’s even more of an issue because many women are scared to speak up to the men on the street who cat-call them.
Maternity leave: In our country, only women are given maternity leave. This enforces the existing stereotypes that men should be the working ones and women belong in the home. In certain other countries, men and women are given maternity leave!
Common phrases: A lot of well-known phrases that people say are sexist towards women. “You play like a girl,” or “You drive like a girl,” all make women seem weak or lesser. Unfortunately, even a lot of women use these phrases!
Office behavior: If you’ve ever had a job where you work in an office, you might have felt like you weren’t considered equally to the men. Maybe a male boss never asks for your opinion, or when you do give any insight, he brushes it off. This is not uncommon, as many men don’t take professional women seriously.
Because this topic is so important, we dedicated a whole blog post to it. Check it out here for a more detailed explanation of everyday racism.
Why it’s hard for women to speak up

Photo by Oleg Laptevon Unsplash
Once you realize how often you run into subtle sexism, it’s not always easy to then call it out. In last week’s article, I talked about how our society can make women feel ashamed of their femininity. I know that when I’ve encountered a man making a sexist joke, I often just laugh it off. I think when we are exposed to sexist behavior regularly, we start to think of it as normal. Or, we even start to believe the comments are true.
I’ve had a lot of personal experience with men who think feminists are “annoying,” “petty,” or “dumb.” I think since I was constantly exposed to that kind of thinking, I never thought of myself as outwardly “feminist.” And I just brushed off many sexist comments or behaviors that I experienced. I even began to agree with them, sometimes. As I got older, and got to know myself better, I learned what I want to stand for. I want to stand for women, and equality. I want to be an ally to anyone who doesn’t have an equal voice. In order to stand up for other people, I need to stand up for myself. Calling out sexism is a way to stand up for myself, and work to make a change for women in general.
How to call out sexist behavior in your daily life

Photo by Joyce McCownon Unsplash
Whether you know someone who is repeatedly sexist towards you, or not, it’s good to be educated about how to respond. That way, if you ever do experience it, you’re prepared to speak up for yourself.
- Stop laughing as a way to brush off comments that make you uncomfortable. Respond in a different way, instead. You can do this by outwardly telling the person that what they said was sexist. Or, you can let your silence speak for itself.
- If you notice your friends or family members having a conversation that is subtly sexist, explain to them how and why their words are wrong. Sometimes, people honestly don’t understand how their behavior can be harmful.
- ONLY IF IT’S SAFE, you can speak up to cat-callers, by saying “I don’t appreciate those comments.” Please only do this if there are other people around, and you feel comfortable. It is completely understandable to fear or your safety if you are being street-harassed. If this is the case, do not engage in the cat-calling, and pretend like you didn’t hear it.
- Encourage your other female friends to be more mindful of their own behavior. Even women can be sexist towards females, and unknowingly promote sexist behavior. Women who bring other girls down, or shame them, are adding to the sexism in our society. Girls need to support girls!
- Have meaningful conversations with your loved ones about how their sexist behavior hurts your feelings. This is a great article by ABC Life that explains how to have an effective conversation about sexism.
Although great strides have been made in the fight for women’s equality, sexism is still present in our society. Learning how to deal with it is a crucial step in working to undo it.
Our mission at Safe Harbor International Ministries is to provide family restoration. Learning how to have important conversations with your family members about sensitive topics is a part of that. Throughout this month we will be providing more content to highlight women. We hope it encourages you all to show appreciation for the women in your life, even if that woman is yourself!
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, visit our blog page at
by Grace Haass | Aug 4, 2020 | Gratitude, Healthy Lifestyles, Stories of Hope, Wellness
Within the month of August, there are a several national observance days that relate to women. It seemed fitting for us at Safe Harbor IM to focus on highlighting women for our August theme! This week, we want to share ways to appreciate women- of every kind. One way to connect to your womanhood is by embracing your femininity.
Femininity is an amazing, complex concept. It can take years for some women to figure out what connects them to their feminine side. You may not know that cultures are categorized as either feminine or masculine, based on their values. Sometimes it feels like our society undermines femininity, and values masculinity more. This can lead us to abandon our feminine energy at times. Reconnecting to it can be empowering.
Differences between feminine and masculine energy

Photo by Alexon Unsplash
We all know there are stereotypes of men and women. However, stereotypes aside, there is a difference between masculine energy and feminine energy. Believe it or not, both sexes have both energies! You may have heard someone say, “this will connect you to your masculine/feminine side.” Yes, every human being has a masculine and a feminine side, and both can be tapped into. The energy you exert is based on your actions or the activities you do. Masculine energy is usually expressed when you are actively working towards something. On the other side, feminine energy is expressed when you tap into your creativity and emotions.

Why gender specific stereotypes are limiting
As I mentioned, there are stereotypes for traits that are considered “masuline,” and “feminine.” Assertiveness, aggression, and confidence are usually thought of as masculine traits. Women are generally expected to have traits more along the lines of nurturing, maternal, and responsible. Stereotypes are often harmful, and limiting. While these stereotypes can have some truth to them, there is no saying that the opposite sex can’t, or shouldn’t, embody the other gender’s stereotypical traits.
Embracing your femininity can be challenging. It’s not news that women have been oppressed in history. Although we have many more opportunities today, it sometimes feels like our society values men more. When you’re trying to make it in a society that does value masculine traits, like working hard, it can be hard to embrace your feminine side.
Why embracing your femininity can be challenging
Women have a tendency to be more emotional than men, or care more about talking about feelings. Our society often shames women for being “babies” or “too emotional.” In reality, there is a difference between the brains of men and women. According to Psychology Today, research has found that women “tend to have verbal centers on both sides of the brain, while men tend to have verbal centers on only the left hemisphere.” This difference explains this feminine quality of having more interest in emotions!
The shame our society puts on vulnerability makes many women feel belittled. I’ve often felt embarrassed of my tendency to feel things deeply, and wished I wasn’t so sensitive. As I get older, I learn more and more to love my sensitivity, which comes from my femininity. Our feminine energy is beautiful. It makes great artists, mothers, friends, and therapists. Which is not to say that men can’t be in these roles- as I said, both men and women have feminine and masculine energy. Let’s appreciate our feminine energy, and let it shine.
Embracing femininity

Photo by Arièle Bonteon Unsplash
Not only is embracing your femininity important, it’s fun! Feminine energy is soft, and gentle. This energy is cooling while on the other hand, masculine energy is heating. Here are some great ways to express your femininity.
- Write! Embrace your emotional side and get everything out of your head and onto paper. This can feel so liberating.
- Make art. Getting creative majorly taps into your feminine side. Paint, draw, craft, collage, etc. There are so many ways to be creative.
- Sing! There’s few things that feel as good as singing like nobody is listening.
- Dance. Moving your body in ways it wants to is a beautiful way to connect with yourself.
- Yoga. This is another good way of moving your body gently! As a result, you’ll release feminine energy! I recommend looking into a full moon cycle class, which is the feminine side of the practice. Vinyasa yoga tends to be masculine, or heating.
In conclusion, it’s incredibly important for us women to be proud of who we are. You can do that by embracing your femininity. We want to celebrate women this month at Safe Harbor IM. We will be sharing many articles on inspiring women, and tips for appreciating the women in your life.
Hopefully our August content inspires our Safe Harbor community to hold our women high. Check out our Instagram page for our weekly #WomanUp posts, to continue to be inspired!
“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, visit our blog page at
by Grace Haass | Jul 31, 2020 | Family Life, Family Living, Gratitude, Married life, Parenting, The Blended Family
“Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.”
Deuteronomy 5:16
The summer season is a common time for family get-togethers, so we’ve acquired some tips for successful family reunions. The weather is nice, kids are out of school, and the timing is best for family members who live far away from each other. Although we’d like to imagine the perfect family reunion coming together seamlessly, that’s most often not how it goes.
No family is perfect, but every family is valid. No matter the reason you have for being weary about reuniting with family, it’s important to focus on the positives that can come from it. Family is a blessing, whether it’s given or chosen. Reunions are a great way to celebrate the blessing of family that God has provided us with.
Family reunions are difficult for some families- here’s why

Photo by Carolyn Von Unsplash
If you’ve experienced domestic violence or family violence in your past, family reunions might bring up some uncomfortable emotions. Although family gatherings might have been dangerous for you, that doesn’t mean you can’t create happy memories with your own family. It’s understandable to be cautious about large family gatherings, especially if it brings up painful memories. Healing can come from replacing those painful memories with new, joyful ones of your own. Know that you do not have to repeat the cycle of trauma that you have endured.
Even if you didn’t experience any type of family violence, family reunions can still be stressful. In my own extended family, there are certain family members who don’t always get along. Often at my family reunions, things can get a little messy after some adults have had a few drinks. So, although I always look forward to getting to see all my family in one place, sometimes I get anxious, hoping that nothing goes wrong.
Or maybe, it’s the stress of planning and traveling to a family reunion that turns you off of the idea. There is a lot that goes into it, if you are trying to gather family from all over the country, or further. If you can’t all gather at someone’s house, you have to find a venue, and plan for food and housing accommodations. There’s no doubt that it does take some work, both physical and emotional work.
These are all valid challenges that can make people shy away from family reunions. However, the benefits of these gatherings outweigh them, if they are planned correctly!
Benefits of family reunions

Photo by Benji Airdon Unsplash
A family reunion serves a different purpose to every family. My parents chose to move away from the East Coast when I was little, and that meant leaving all of their family on the other side of the country. They sacrificed seeing their family all the time to come to California to give my siblings and I a different experience than they had. Because we don’t see our relatives as much as my parents’ siblings who stayed on the East Coast, my parents make it a responsibility to take a vacation to see them every summer. We usually use our summer vacation to reunite with family that we get to see once a year, or less.
For some families, reunions may be fewer and farther between. Here are some additional reasons to have a family reunion:
- An older family member is in poor health. Sometimes it’s important to gather the family together for what may be their last time to visit with an elderly relative.
- To meet new cousins, nieces, or nephews. Family reunions are a great opportunity for everyone to meet new members of the family!
- A fresh place to bond. Maybe you live close to all of your relatives, and you see them all the time during your daily life. Sometimes, a vacation will serve all of you well. Great memories can be made in a new place, different from your everyday memories at home.
- There’s a conflict to work out. Like my family, many families have drama, or conflicts between certain relatives. As I mentioned, no family is perfect. A family reunion can be a good place to work out issues, if both members are open and willing to.
Tips for successful family reunions

Photo by Andrew Neelon Unsplash
With all of this being said, it’s more than possible to have a successful family reunion. We have some tried and true tips to follow when planning your next get together.
- Determine who, and how many, are actually coming. In order to plan accordingly, you need to first figure out how many people are coming. On top of that, you need to know WHO is coming. Sometimes, it’s best to leave certain family members out if they are dangerous, or knowingly hard to get along with. I have a relative who often causes more harm than good, and as painful as it is to leave them out of gatherings, we know it’s for the best.
- Set a budget that is reasonable for everyone. The amount of money you can spend depends on how many people are coming, and how much those people are comfortable spending.
- Pick a venue that is the most convenient for everyone. Once you know who is coming, you can pick a place to meet. All the better if you have a relative who has a home that can accommodate everyone. If you need to book a place, it’s best to get everyone’s input and choose somewhere with the easiest accessibility to the majority.
- Brainstorm multiple activities that will satisfy everyone. If you have a large age range of family members, you’ll need to find different activities that are suitable to the ages. Having planned activities also makes the time go smoother by occupying it. Consider a venue that has activities that everyone will enjoy, like swimming, fishing, or some sports courts! Otherwise, you can always put together activities like family trivia, board games, or cornhole. You can also have a “kids table” with some easier crafts to occupy younger kids.
- Document the event. Designate someone to take photos or videos. Afterwards, you can create a memory book or slideshow to share with the family who was present, along with those who couldn’t attend. This will ensure your memories last forever!
Families are complex. Every family has a different dynamic, and history. But most families share the same goal; to appreciate the blessing of each other. Having a family reunion is a great way to do that, even though it takes some coordination. Hopefully these tips come in handy when you’re looking to plan your next reunion.
With the COVID-19 pandemic seeming never-ending, many families have had to cancel their reunions this summer. If this was the case for you, you can try to coordinate a zoom reunion! Then use these tips to get excited for your rescheduled reunion, maybe next summer.
Written by Grace Haass, blogger at Safe Harbor International Ministries. For more articles, visit our blog page at